Friday, June 25, 2010

My Dream Work

The works ideal no always can to be fulfilled, the ideal will do that all the people can the job that dreams. In the life there are several works that are often not what that people want to live it. A dream job is to produce work that pleases me. Some people may be the economy, for others to teach children and other people to create homes or buildings, but for me is the Veterinary Medicine.

My dream work is in the countryside, I do not know that specific location as a company but I want to work in the field. I like to see wild animals in their natural environment, to help they. Too I will like work with equine, but I love the dogs. If I like to work with people who have the same intentions that I, the help animals in danger and we dedicate with much respect and love for our work. I would not mind working long hours every day because I would be doing what I like.
I would love to have all the equipment needed to perform my job the most eficiently possible. If there more tools available for us, we may better assist in an emergency or a surgery. Therefore we must have economic resources to do whatever we want.

I'm not sure yet in what area of Veterinary Medicine work, but I know that this is what I want in my life, than doing any work that is relevant to help the animals, protect, and the possibility of offering to animals a better life, I will be doing my dream job. And then I will be very happy in my life.


  1. I agree with you!
    the most important is welfare of the animals!
    I hope that you choose a excelent job!

  2. The WW works ideal ^ no always can to be fulfilled, the ideal will do that all the people can the job that dreams. In the life there are several WW works that are often not what that people want to live it. A dream job is to produce work that pleases me. Some people may WW be the economy, for others to teach children and other people to create homes or buildings, but for me is the Veterinary Medicine.

    My dream work is in the countryside, I do not know that specific location as a company but I want to work in the field. I like to see wild animals in their natural environment, to help WF they. WW Too I will like work with equine, but I love WW the dogs. If I like to work with people who have the same intentions that I, the help animals in danger and we dedicate with much respect and love for our work. I would not mind working long hours every day because I would be doing what I like. I would love to have all the equipment needed to perform my job the most eficiently possible. If there more tools available for us, we may better assist in an emergency or a surgery. Therefore we must have economic resources to do whatever we want.

    I'm not sure yet in what area of Veterinary Medicine work, but I know that this is what I want in my life, than doing any work that is relevant to help the animals, protect, and the possibility of offering to animals a better life, I will be doing my dream job. And then I will be very happy in my life.

    did you finish this by yourself? there is a big difference between the first part and the second
